Accounts Set Up
We’ve included all the important information for the start of the program below. Please read through everything and let us know if you have any questions.
If you’re a returning student, then you should already have your Purdue and Anvil accounts activated.
Purdue User Account
We have created a Purdue account for you, and you need to activate your account
If you have submitted your DocuSign sent by Purdue Business Center, you should receive an email consisting of your Purdue username and Purdue ID number. If not, please email to request this information.
It’s necessary to call iTap to get your initial password and/or to reset your password if you forget it: (765) 494 – 4000
With your Purdue username, Purdue ID number, and inital password from iTap, you can activate your account using this page
We use BoilerKey for 2-factor authentication
Please visit this website and go to “Set your BoilerKey PIN” and then you should be able to set up your 4-digit pin.
An FAQ is given here:
If you wanted to change your Purdue display name to your preferred name, you can email Angie Fritz ( with your preferred name and Purdue ID number.
Anvil Account
To access Anvil, our computer clusters, you need to set up your ACCESS account
Please use your Purdue email to set up your ACCESS account
Just FYI, you can use your preferred name for ACCESS account setup.
You will use your ACCESS account for your projects
The instructions can be found here:
It’s important to fill out the ACCESS User survey and enter your preferred first and last name, email address, and the username you just created.
This is how we will add you to our TDM allocation
Debugging Tips
You have received your initial password from iTap.
If not, please call (765) 494 – 4000 (they are open 24/7)
You are able to email me ( from your Purdue email
Just send me an email.
If you aren’t able to, please activate your account.
You’re able to log into your Purdue SuccessFactors using your BoilerKey
If you’re not able to, please go to this website and go to “Set your BoilerKey PIN” and then you should be able to set up your 4-digit pin
You’re able to log in Anvil
(type this in your browser:
If you’re not able to and you’re pretty sure you already set up your ACCESS account, you can double check using this forgot ACCESS username tool
If you’re getting
error, please fill out the survey to be added to the TDM allocation.-
If you already did and the error still exists, please email us at
If you have any questions, please reach out to us ( and we will help!