TA Training Module 6: Agile Training


Complete this free training first before watching the "Agile in The Data Mine" video.

  1. Go to trailhead.salesforce.com/

  2. Click "Sign up" in the top right corner.

  3. First, you will have to complete the "Trailhead Basics" module before you can do any others.

  4. Then search for "Atlassian Agile Basics". It is +300 points and should take 30 minutes or less to complete.

  5. Complete all three sections of "Atlassian Agile Basics".

To submit in Gradescope: Take a screenshot that shows you completed the "Atlassian Agile Basics" badge. The screenshot should include (1) your name, (2) completion date, (3) all three green checkmarks next to each of the sections.

Agile Specific to the Data Mine

Next, please complete the training on Agile in The Data Mine, please refer to Agile Trainings.

Make sure to review the Agile Lego Activitythat you will lead during Lab 1. The slides with Agile explanations and activity directions are provided and can be downloaded on the Agile Lego Activity page.

Agile in The Data Mine cheat sheet